TpISENT is a leading professional services company providing ICT consultancy, management consultancy, technology platforms, software development, User Experience Design in Sierra Leone with over 50 years combined experience
TpISENT (SL) Limited
TpISENT is a leading professional services company providing ICT consultancy, management consultancy, technology platforms, software development, User Experience Design in Sierra Leone with over 50 years combined experience
Fambul Tik Tours (SL) Limited
Fambul Tik in Krio, lingua franca of Sierra Leone, means Family Tree, in English. We lead heritage tours to Sierra Leone, organize workshops and seminars, and present at events topics that relate to the links between Sierra Leone and the Gullah-Geechee people
TpESTATE (SL) Limited
We architect, design, 3D Model & render, build and sell eco-friendly homes on land that we own and develop in Sierra Leone. TpESTATE also offer eco-friendly design and building services to clients who already own land in Sierra Leone.